Monday, October 18, 2010

Colour for Living 101 - Part 2 - Warm and Cool colours

Colours can be divided into two types – warm and cool. These two categories produce different effects when used in a room. Warm colours are reds, yellows and oranges while cool colours are blues, green and violets.

Generally warm colours are brighter. If you have a room that is not well lit, using warm colours will make it appear brighter than it is. Rooms also feel physically hotter than those with cool colors. Warm colours reflect light and the walls will emit heat into the room. When used in darker tones, they can make a room look smaller. This is helpful if you have a large room that you want to give a cosier feel.

Cool colours have the opposite effect.  They absorb light rather than reflect it and can make rooms feel much cooler. This is useful in rooms that get a lot of sun and get hot. Rooms also appear larger with cool colours. If you are dealing with a room that feels small, the use of cool colours will help expand the space.

In addition, there are earth tone colours which include brown, beige, gray, and taupe. These are very subdued interior paint colors, but can be quite useful in helping to create a very elegant and sophisticated look.

Are you thinking of adding some colour to your walls but not sure which? Paint colours can have an incredible effect on mood, attitude, and general outlook. Paint can also enhance the beauty of furniture and furnishings.
 So when deciding on paint colours, keep the following in mind:- what mood do you want to create in your room? 
- do you want it to feel warm and cozy?
- do you want it to feel lively and cheerful?

It is important that you choose the right paint colors for the right rooms. You won’t want to paint the walls of your baby's nursery bright sunshine yellow if you are looking for a peaceful and relaxing environment.

Here is a list of shades and corresponding moods which you should keep in mind when selecting paint colors:

Black – authority, discipline, strength and promotes independence.
Blue – cool, refreshing, relaxing, and promotes feelings of tranquility and peace

Green – balance, refreshing, normalizing, and promotes emotional growth,
Orange – cheerful, commanding, stimulates goodwill, conversation and appetites, energy, excitement
Pink – calming, accepting, encourages affection and socialization
Purple – comforting, spiritual, creativity
Red – empowerment, stimulation, drama, passion
White – pure, energy, adds punch to other colour when used in combination with
Yellow – cheerful, increases energy, uplifting

Here are some examples of warm and cool colours used in various rooms:

...Warm orange used in this dining room.  They have also used vertical stripes in two shades of orange for added elegance

Better Homes and Gardens
...This warm shade of yellow is quite inviting in this hallway/entrance
...A cool light blue has been used this kitchen eating area

Style at Home

..This room is quite dramatic with the green walls and drapery. The white chaise is really accentuated with the green.
Better Homes and Garden
 ...Red used in this dining room on an accent wall complimented with the white wall.  The artwork is a nice addition to this room

Better Homes and Garden
Do you find yourself liking more cool colours or warm?  If you decide to take a trip to the paint store, be prepared to be amazed by the thousands of wonderful colours/shades available.  The options are endless...just remember to get some samples before you decide on one colour!


1 comment:

  1. great post Donna! it's always good to know the mood(s) the colours invoke.
