Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween creativity at it's best

Are you ready to get your creative juices carving?
Halloween can be a fun time with the decorations,  trick or treating, candy and of course the pumpkin carving.  There are so many great opinions for carving pumpkins. 

My husband is quite handy with the carving tools and has created some pretty neat pumpkins.  We always get lots of "wows" on Halloween night.
Here are some of his past amazing creations….
            Dora and Boots                                          Cinderella

Family Guy

Blue (from Blue's Clues)

Fred Flinstone

                  Bugs Bunny                    

There are lots of different ways to add some pizzazz to your is one idea that I hope to try this year....

Martha Stewart Living
I would like to line my walkway with a variety of pumpkins drilled with holes and lit up

Not sure what to carve on your pumpkin this year?  There are lots of here and here for ideas.

Stuck for a costume idea?  Go here or here for ideas on adult and children costumes.

There are also lots of yummy treats you can make to celebrate Halloween.  Here are a couple of fun and easy cupcake ideas that would be great to do with kids.  I'm looking forward to trying them out with mine....
Click here for instructions as well as lots of other great treats ideas.

Wishing you a Happy Halloween and if you decide to get creative this year with your pumpkins, baking or costumes, send me an email with some pictures - I would love to showcase them!!!

1 comment:

  1. always love your creations!!! i did a Halloween Decorating round up post today :)
